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Welcome to Quay street

QuayStreet offers a range of diversified and sector specific investment funds for investors with varying investment needs and timeframes.

Our Investment Approach

Our mortgage services include a variety of features to help you make informed decisions and achieve your goals

We aim to deliver

We aim to deliver investment returns above the Fund benchmarks through asset allocation and stock selection

We take a long-term view

We take a long-term view, and focus on the underlying value and qualities of our investments

Sustainable business models

We target companies with good and sustainable business models that are trading at an attractive valuation in relation to their “intrinsic value”

Outperforming Assets

We focus on assets we believe will outperform and adjust exposure accordingly to prevailing market conditions

We offer a range of Diversified, Sector, and Specialty Funds with specific investment strategies.

We have 10 Managed Funds designed to meet the individual investment profiles and risk appetites of investors.

The Funds are designed for investors with varying investments needs and timeframes.

All QuayStreet Funds are managed by the investment team with the aim to deliver investment returns above the fund benchmarks.

We believe that, in relation to the Funds, a carefully selected portfolio of securities, with a greater focus on relative value and profitability, can provide better returns than the market benchmark over the long-term.

Oil and Gas

Oil and natural gas are major industries in the energy market and play an influential role in the global economy as the world’s primary fuel sources. The processes and systems involved in producing and distributing oil and gas are highly complex, capital-intensive, and require state-of-the-art technology.
Natural gas has taken on a more prominent role in the world’s energy supply as a consequence of shale gas development in the United States, as mentioned above, and its lower greenhouse gas emissions when combusted when compared to oil and coal

Real Estate

Successful real estate investment has long been one of the proven ways to become wealthy, Commercial real estate is known to yield higher returns than residential real estate.


Gold Mining

Gold is often considered a good investment for diversification, as it may be less correlated with other assets such as stocks or bonds. This means that the price of gold may be less affected by movements in other asset classes, which can help to reduce overall portfolio risk

Sponsorship of Trips

we also offer sponsorship of trips to all our members and ambassadors who would like to travel for either vacation, job, education or business

How we choose Investments

We invest in companies we consider to have attractive valuations and future cash flows, low volatility of earnings, disciplined capital management, strong leadership and future focused management



We conduct our own research to understand all aspects of an investment.

We interact closely with companies to understand their business models and financials and conduct scenario analysis and valuation modelling to ensure the investment is right for our portfolios.


All investments are peer reviewed within the investment team. Any investment ideas are challenged and debated to ensure they meet our criteria.

A separate compliance team oversees all investments to ensure that these adhere to each Fund’s investment guidelines.


All money is held in bank accounts controlled by an independent licensed Supervisor, The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited (NZGT). All payments and receipts of monies are made between the client and the Supervisor. All investments are held in the name of the Supervisor via an independent custodian, Citibank N.A.


Quaystreet plans

NZGT has been granted a full licence by the Financial Markets Authority under the Securities Trustees and Statutory Supervisors Act 2011 to act as Supervisor of the funds. Further information on the Supervisor’s licence is publicly available on the Financial Markets. Your retirement savings are important, make sure your money is in the right hands.

You can choose one or multiple Funds to create your own  portfolio. When you have joined, keep track of your investments by viewing your reports online via our Client Portal.

Starter plan

  • 2% profit daily
  • Duration: 6days
  • Minimum:$200
  • Maximum:$20,000
  • Referral bonus 4%

Business plan

  • 3% profit daily
  • Duration: 20 days
  • Minimum:$30,000
  • Maximum:$90,000
  • Referral bonus 7%

Select plan


  • 4% profit daily
  • Duration: 30 days
  • Minimum:$100,000
  • Maximum: Unlimited
  • Referral bonus 10%

Reach out to us

L 36/48 Shortland Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

© Quay Street 2024. All Rights Reserved.